Sunday, December 30, 2007

a seamstress I aint

I decided that this afternoon would be as good a time as any to sit down and sew on my elk hide toe clip covers.

It was quite tricky, bending the needle right away didn't really help, but once I got going I got the knack of it.

work in progress

the leather is really soft, but will certainly be hard wearing so should stand up to the test of time pretty well. the thread they supply is also really tough (and waxy), so all in all some pretty good kit.

toeclip covers attached!

I'm really chuffed with how these have turned out and I think I've done a pretty good job. It is the kind of thing that will make my bike even more unique, which is really nice and the little leather patches look great with the straps (just as I hoped).

the finished article


Mike said...

Very cool. It looks like everything is coming together quite nicely.

Chuffed is a new one for me, and I thought I knew what you meant, but I had turn to my English to American dictionary to confirm ( Personally, I think they should call it an English to English dictionary because that's pretty funny.

btw, Cheri is a bit dischuffed that she can't leave anonymous comments on your blog.

Toby said...

I would have thought that you knew chuffed, it's your kind of lingo. I'm not sure that dischuffed is strictly legit though.

sorry CP can't leave comments, do they not work even if she leaves her name? she is half of my readership, so this is a problem.

You'll be very pleased to hear that I will be soon getting my frame powdercoated, an exciting post is to follow in the next few days.

just need to get you over to London in the summer and you can see the finished (as it will be by then then) bike with your own eyes.